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Exploring the Boundaries: How to Manage Feelings for Your Therapist in Therapy

Online Counselling
Representation of a person seeking online therapy


Picture this: you're lounging on the couch, eyes fixed on your therapist across the room. Suddenly, amidst the sea of emotions swirling within, you realize something startling. It's not just the typical back-and-forth of therapy; there's a different kind of connection brewing. Maybe it's a flicker of romantic interest, or perhaps it's a wave of frustration or even a desire for a deeper friendship. It's like a bolt from the blue, and you're left wondering: what in the world is going on here? Ever had a moment like that? This experience has a name - Transference. And it's more common than you might think. Transference happens when you unconsciously redirect emotions from your past onto your therapist. It can feel exciting, and natural, but also confusing. This inner turmoil signals an opportunity. By understanding transference, you gain insight into your attachment patterns and inner world. Though messy, exploring these feelings for your therapist with compassionate curiosity can lead to profound healing. This journey begins with recognizing when transference occurs and then navigating it skillfully. 


Transference refers to unconscious feelings for your therapist that you might develop during treatment and it might originate from your past relationships[1]. This is a normal part of therapy, but it’s important to recognize transference and discuss it with your therapist. The therapists are trained to handle such occurrences.


Idealized transference: You may view your therapist as the “perfect” nurturing or caring figure you always wanted. You assume they have only positive traits and can do no wrong. This type of transference, while common, can be problematic if left unaddressed.

Sexualized transference: You may develop romantic or sexual feelings towards your therapist. This can be uncomfortable for both parties and needs to be discussed openly and honestly.

Adversarial transference: You may see your therapist as a judgmental, critical, or punishing figure from your past. This can damage the therapeutic alliance and trust in the relationship. Discussing your concerns about the therapist’s perceived (negative) qualities is important to help you look at them with more objectivity.


Recognizing transference[2] - whether positive or negative - is the first step. Transference can happen unconsciously during therapy. The good news is, there are some signs to recognize when it's occurring.

1. Sudden Change in Mood or Behavior

Pay attention if you have an unusually strong emotional reaction to something your therapist says or does. For example, a small change in their schedule suddenly makes you very upset or angry, or you start feeling anxious about therapy sessions or avoiding discussing important matters. This could indicate transference. Transference can also cause other feelings, like developing a crush on your therapist or seeing them as a parental figure.

2. Powerful Emotions Surface During Sessions

Do you find yourself crying, yelling or accusing your therapist of wrongdoing during sessions, feeling extremely positive or negative emotions toward your therapist, which might feel out of proportion? These types of intense emotions can point to transference. The key is whether your reaction seems disproportionate to the actual situation. Our past relationships and life experiences shape how we view others, and transference occurs when we project those feelings onto our therapist.

3. You Feel Very Attached to Your Therapist

While developing a level of trust with your therapist is normal, becoming extremely attached or dependent on them could indicate transference is at play. For example, feeling like your therapist is the only person who understands you or that you can't live without them. You might be struggling to see your therapist neutrally or assuming you can read their mind or end up daydreaming about your therapist romantically or sexually. Healthy therapy relationships involve a professional level of detachment and objectivity.

The good news is that transference when identified, can provide useful insight into how your past relationships influence you now. Discussing your feelings for your therapist with them will help strengthen your connection, gain self-awareness, and work through issues from your past that may be holding you back. Though the feelings seem real, and it’s quite common as well, you must remember that your therapist cannot reciprocate them. With openness and patience, transference can become a powerful tool for growth.


Positive transference, where you view your therapist in an idealized way, gives your therapist a window into how you relate to authority figures or caretakers. By understanding the root cause of these feelings, your therapist can help you work through them. Transference also shows what you need and expect from relationships, so you and your therapist can build a secure attachment.

However, transference can become problematic if left unaddressed. Negative transference, where you dislike or distrust your therapist, makes progress difficult. Romantic transference poses ethical issues and threatens proper boundaries. In these cases, it’s critical to openly discuss your feelings with your therapist to gain awareness and set appropriate limits.


Often, transference occurs from important relationships in our early lives, like parents, caregivers or siblings. The therapist may remind you of a critical, withholding or overly nurturing figure from your past. Transference can also arise from other life experiences that have shaped your beliefs and expectations about relationships. Exploring the roots of your transference with your therapist is key to gaining insight and making progress [3].

Discussing transference openly with your therapist is the best way to gain awareness and work through these feelings. While transference can feel uncomfortable, recognizing and addressing it leads to deeper understanding and growth.


The key to navigating transference is communication[4]. Tell your therapist how you're feeling and together you can figure out what's triggering those emotions. They can then help you understand the underlying causes and determine if your reactions are disproportionate. With time and effort, you can overcome unhealthy transference, build trust in the relationship, and make progress in therapy.

Feelings for your therapist are a normal and common part of therapy and, when properly managed, can lead to great insight and healing. But like any tool, it needs to be used carefully under the guidance of a skilled professional. Don't be afraid to speak up if transference is making you feel uncomfortable or threatened. A good therapist will listen and work with you to resolve these issues, allowing your therapeutic relationship to thrive[5].


Developing feelings for your therapist is common in therapy, but what transference stirs up can be difficult to navigate. There are some effective ways to work through these feelings with your therapist.

Recognize the signs. Do you feel a strong emotional connection to your therapist, either positive or negative? Do certain interactions trigger intense emotions? These could indicate transference, refer to the signs mentioned above. Don't ignore these feelings - bring them up with your therapist.

Be honest about your feelings. Tell your therapist exactly what emotions come up for you and when. Explain how their words or actions make you feel. The more open and honest you are, the better able your therapist will be to help you work through the transference.

Look for the source. Often, transference stems from important relationships in your early life. With your therapist's help, explore how your feelings mirror those from your past. Making these connections can be very insightful and help you gain a new perspective on the transference.

Address it together. Work with your therapist to understand the transference and determine the best way to resolve it. They may point it out when it happens in session or suggest techniques for you to try outside of therapy. The goal is to gain awareness and find healthier ways of relating.

Stay committed to your therapy. Don't let transference cause you to quit therapy before achieving your goals. Transference is a normal and common occurrence during the process and something you and your therapist can work through together. With time and effort, transference will fade, and you'll develop a healthier connection.

Transference may feel uncomfortable, but it often signals an opportunity for growth. By honestly exploring your feelings, you can gain valuable insight into yourself and your relationships. With the support of your therapist, transference can be overcome, allowing therapy to continue helping you become your best self.



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