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About MentAmigo

MentAmigo is a Mental Health services platform that is a one-stop solution for all your mental healthcare needs and is ‘Your True Mental Wellbeing Partner’. It provides you with a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space to address all your mental health related issues and needs.


Established in 2022, MentAmigo is one of the fastest growing and highest rated mental health platforms in India and is run by a team of qualified and highly skilled mental health professionals. We practice with an ethically grounded and client-centered approach to provide the best support to all our clients in need. 


MentAmigo has successfully provided high-quality, affordable, and accessible mental health care to people across the country and continues to do so through various initiatives, community building activities, awareness workshops, corporate and community development etc.

Our Mission

MentAmigo is dedicated to working on a mission to provide everyone with the best quality mental health services, cultivate good work culture for employees and to create an impact on a community level by spreading awareness and having more conversations around mental health.

Our Vision

Our aim is to build a platform that can act as a one-stop Mental Wellness Solution by maintaining counselling quality and at the same time, keeping employee wellness and building a good work culture a priority. We strongly believe in this vision and hope that MentAmigo becomes YOUR TRUE MENTAL WELLBEING PARTNER.

Image by Greg Rosenke

Meet the Co-Founders

MentAmigo Mental Health Services is co-founded by two Psychologists, Avnish Mishra and Tanvi Jajoria. After working with Hospitals, NGOs, Clinics and Corporates, they embarked on a journey of building MentAmigo - Your True Mental Wellbeing Partner.

Image by Greg Rosenke
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