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Self-Esteem and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Guide

What is Self-esteem?


Have you ever had the impression that you're your own worst enemy or you’re getting in the way of your own progress when you ought to be your greatest ally? Have there been times when you doubted your own ability, questioned your value, or just felt unworthy? Well, if the answer to any of these questions is a ‘yes’, you are not alone. Everybody has periods of self-doubt when they doubt their own skills and wonder if they really measure up, regardless of age, experience, or background.

Self-esteem is often considered the foundation of a happy existence, not merely a trendy term. It's that enchanted potion of self-worth and confidence that gives you the ability to ride life's erratic waves with elegance and resolve. Boosting and nourishing your self-esteem isn't always easy. It's an adventure, a continuous process, and one that is well worth taking on. We're going to set out on a fantastic journey of self-improvement and self-discovery in this blog, as we examine the fundamentals of self-esteem.

Hence, in this blog, we'll unravel the enigma around self-esteem, acquire the skill to recognise the subtle indicators of poor self-esteem and discover the significant influence it bears on numerous aspects of our existence. We'll also look at various practical tips and techniques, that will motivate and help you to achieve unprecedented levels of self-esteem. So, let’s start this journey of self-improvement and self-discovery, as we begin by examining the fundamentals of self-esteem.


Imagine self-esteem as a multifaceted gem that can be compared to a sword, shield, and mirror, each of which plays a distinct and essential purpose in our lives.

1. Mirror: Reflecting Our Self-Image

Low self esteem

Self-esteem functions quite like a mirror, reflecting our perception of ourselves back to us. Self-esteem is a reflection of our interior view, just as a mirror reflects our external look. It reveals our perceptions of our values and abilities. When your self-esteem is strong, you can clearly see your potential, strengths, and intrinsic value in this mirror, which displays a positive self-image. This affirmative thought offers a solid basis for self-worth and self-confidence.

Consider the possibility that, when gazing into this self-esteem mirror, you will see a strong, capable person. You are aware of your worth and potential, and this understanding gives you the courage and fortitude to face obstacles head-on.

2. Sword: Empowering Us to Face Difficulties

Improve self esteem

Self-esteem also serves as a sword, a strong instrument that gives us the ability to overcome the difficulties and hardships life presents. Strong self-esteem enhances our capacity to overcome obstacles and succeed in the face of difficulty. This "sword of self-esteem" offers us the strength to face any challenge in life, be it a difficult project at work, a personal crisis, or a brand-new chance. It is the driving force behind our progress, a constant reminder that we are competent and worthy of achievement.

Consider self-esteem, for instance, as your reliable weapon in a conflict. When your self-esteem is high, you will face obstacles with confidence and be equipped to overcome hardship with fortitude and willpower.

3. Shield: Guarding Against Negativity and Self-Doubt

How to improve self esteem

Our sense of self-worth serves as a shield against the constant assault of negativity and self-doubt. Similar to how a shield deters intruders, self-esteem serves as a barrier against negative self-talk and low self-esteem. When your self-esteem is high, bad ideas and opinions are kept from infiltrating your self-concept, acting as an impenetrable barrier.

To give an example, picture your self-worth as a strong barrier. Your shield of self-esteem intervenes to keep you safe from severe self-criticism or self-doubt. By deflecting these harmful effects, it makes sure they don't diminish your value as a person or impede your advancement.

We can appreciate self-esteem's dynamic nature and value in our lives by seeing it as our mirror, sword, and shield. Accepting the complex role that self-esteem plays in our lives can assist us in fostering and enhancing it so that we can live more assured, resilient, and satisfying lives.


A delicate and complicated part of our inner lives, self-esteem is shaped by a wide range of factors. Comprehending these variables can aid us in navigating the frequently complex route towards establishing and preserving a sound sense of self-worth. Here's a closer look at some of the major factors that can affect one's sense of self:

1. Childhood and Early Experiences:

Our early experiences and relationships with our carers have a big impact on how we feel about ourselves. Youngsters who experience affection, encouragement, and support are more likely to grow up with positive self-images. Conversely, people who endure abuse, neglect, or unrelenting criticism could later in life struggle with poor self-esteem.

2. Social Comparisons:

We frequently use other people's opinions of us to gauge our own value. It's simpler than ever to fall into the trap of comparing our lives, accomplishments, and attractiveness to those of others in today's hyperconnected society, which can either strengthen or weaken self-esteem. For example, constantly comparing oneself to others on social media who appear to have a perfect life might result in low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. 

3. Peer and Social Interactions:

Our sense of self-worth can be significantly impacted by how we are regarded by our peers and the social groupings we are a part of. Self-esteem can be raised by having uplifting connections, sustaining relationships, and a feeling of community. Positive reinforcement and compassion from these connections can support a strong sense of self-worth. On the other hand, unpleasant encounters, rejection, bullying, continuous criticism or marginalisation can damage one's self-esteem.

4. Personal Successes and Mistakes:

How we view ourselves is greatly influenced by our successes and failures. Achievements can increase one's sense of self-esteem, but repeated setbacks or a fear of failing can diminish it. We may appreciate our successes without allowing them to determine our entire worth when we have a healthy sense of self-esteem.

5. Media and Cultural Influences:

Self-esteem can be significantly impacted by media and cultural norms. Social conventions, achievement criteria, and idealised beauty standards might influence how we view ourselves. These factors may result in exaggerated expectations and have a detrimental effect on self-worth. For instance, regular exposure to Photoshopped photos in publications might cause problems with body image and impair one's self-esteem. In a similar vein, inflated career expectations resulting from media representations might impact one's professional self-esteem.

6. Self-Talk and Self-Perception:

Our inner monologue, our self-perception, and the ideas we entertain all have a big impact on our sense of self-worth. While negative self-criticism can undermine self-esteem, positive self-talk and a positive self-perception can boost it. Consider the words you use to speak to yourself. Do you promote and show self-compassion, or are you frequently critical of yourself? Your self-esteem may be greatly impacted by this self-talk.

Understanding these elements can assist us in making better choices regarding the people we interact with, the media we watch, and the internal dialogue we carry out. It's also critical to understand that self-esteem is a dynamic concept that can be developed through self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-improvement throughout time.


Self-esteem acts as a compass for maintaining our mental health. The dimensions of our emotional landscape are shaped by the substantial influence of self-esteem on mental health, as research[1] has repeatedly shown. A positive view of oneself creates a mindset that can efficiently navigate life's obstacles, acting as a strong shield against the storms of anxiety and sadness. Research[2] demonstrates the reciprocal nature of the interaction between mental health problems and low self-esteem in addition to its correlation. It's not just an effect; rather, it's a strong predictor of outcomes related to mental health.

A journal published a longitudinal study by Trzesniewski, Moffitt, and Caspi (2006)[3] that tracked participants from birth to adulthood. The results showed that people who had low self-esteem as teenagers were more likely to have mental health problems as adults, such as anxiety and depression. Hence, building a strong mental garden where the flowers of resilience, self-assurance, and contentment thrive is similar to nurturing self-esteem. By taking care of this important base, we strengthen our mental toughness, improve our coping skills, and cultivate optimism.


1. Practice Self-Compassion

It is very important to create a compassionate internal conversation. Talk to yourself the same way you would talk to a friend when you are having problems. Offer words of empathy when you make a mistake rather than harsh judgment. Instead of saying “I’m a failure because I made a mistake at work, I am of no use.”; try saying statements such as "It's okay, everyone makes mistakes, and I can learn from this experience. They are opportunities to grow"

2. Identify and Enhance Your Strengths

Determine your strengths and work to develop them. For instance, if you are good at solving problems, look for ways to use your ability in different spheres of your life. Positivity about self is strengthened when you are conscious of your strengths. Determine your assets and skills. Put your attention towards cultivating and applying these strengths in all spheres of your life—personal and professional.

3. Accept imperfections and your unique identity

Recognise the fact that achieving perfection is unattainable. Accept your flaws as a necessary component of your individuality. For instance, if you have self-critical thoughts about the way you look, counter such thoughts by focusing on what makes you unique and exceptional. Accept yourself as you are and stop trying to meet unrealistic expectations.

4. Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate your achievements

Divide more ambitious goals into more doable, smaller steps. If your objective is to acquire a new ability, begin by setting aside a little period of time each day for practice. Commend every advancement, strengthening a feeling of achievement and creating impetus for more ambitious objectives.

5. Practice Mindfulness

To cultivate mindfulness, focus on being in the present moment. When unpleasant thoughts come to mind, acknowledge them objectively and let them pass. Use deep breathing exercises and guided imagery as part of your meditation practice to develop a focused, peaceful mentality. Several mindfulness techniques[4] can help a lot in staying focused and in the present, throughout the day. 

6. Use Positive Affirmations

Make positive affirmations a regular habit to combat negative self-talk. If you find yourself thinking, "I'm not good enough," for example, try telling yourself, "I am capable and deserving of success." Regularly repeat these affirmations to strengthen a good outlook. Make a customised list of affirmations that are uplifting for you. For instance, affirmations such as "I am capable and resilient" can be very effective if you battle with self-doubt. Reframe the negative thoughts you tell yourself with these affirmations, especially on difficult days. Repeat them every day.

7. Express Gratitude

Make it a daily habit to express ‘gratitude’. Spend a few minutes thinking about the relationships, experiences, or unique traits you have to be thankful for. Turning your attention towards gratitude helps you develop a positive outlook and boost your self-esteem.

8. Seek Professional Help

Getting professional assistance if you are struggling with chronic low self-esteem is a brave and transforming first step towards betterment. Therapists and counsellors who specialise in mental health are qualified to offer assistance, encouragement, and research-based methods to treat the root causes of low self-esteem. You can investigate and comprehend the causes of a negative self-perception, acquire useful coping skills, and develop a more positive self-image through therapy. Recall that seeking assistance is a sign of strength rather than a weakness, and having a professional's support can enable you to start down the path to bettering your general well-being and sense of self.

We, at MentAmigo, understand that you might often appreciate people for the smallest achievements while underplaying your achievements no matter how big or small they are. It can happen because of a lot of things in life that we may discuss in therapy and therefore, we provide you with a safe and confidential space to overcome the challenges you might be facing with your self-esteem.



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