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5 Tips to Manage Your Anger: Can This "Negative" Emotion Be Good for You?

Anger is a signal that something isn't right and needs to change. It gives you the motivation and courage to stand up for yourself and make positive changes in your life.


For years anger has been considered to be a destructive emotion that should be avoided. But at the same time, anger serves an important purpose and can actually be good for you. Suppressing anger doesn't make it go away. In fact, bottling it up often makes the situation worse in the long run. Anger is a signal that something isn't right and needs to change. It gives you the motivation and courage to stand up for yourself and make positive changes in your life. The key is learning how to express anger in a healthy way without hurting yourself or others. Anger is your ally, not your enemy.


Anger is a normal human emotion, but when it gets out of control it can become problematic. Unchecked anger has been linked to health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. If you find yourself constantly struggling with anger, it may help to examine the underlying causes and make a plan to better manage this emotion.

Health Effects of Anger

Chronic anger can take a major toll on both your physical and mental health. Physically, frequent anger leads to increased stress hormones like cortisol which negatively impact your cardiovascular system over time. It may also lead to issues such as:

  • High blood pressure

  • Digestive problems

  • Insomnia

  • Skin conditions

Mentally, anger turned inward can cause conditions such as depression or anxiety.


Anger can sometimes be a secondary emotion, meaning it stems from a primary emotion like hurt, fear or vulnerability.

Anger as a Protective Mechanism

Anger acts as a shield to protect you from these deeper, more painful emotions. It helps create a sense of control and power when you're feeling weak or threatened. Rather than expose your vulnerability, anger swoops in as a defence mechanism.

While anger may feel empowering in the moment, it often does more harm than good. Anger decreases empathy, fuels aggression, and damages relationships. It's a temporary boost that fades quickly, leaving you to deal with the underlying issues.

Healthier Ways to Cope

The key is recognizing anger as a secondary emotion and addressing the root cause. Try to pause when anger arises and reflect on how you're really feeling deep down. Are you hurt? Afraid? Once you identify the primary emotion, work to address it in a healthy way.

Talk to someone you trust, journal your feelings, or practice self-care. Taking a walk or doing light exercise is a great way to release pent-up energy and gain a new perspective. The more you practice sitting with discomfort, the easier it gets.

While anger seems an easy escape, it often makes situations worse and erodes closeness. Facing your vulnerability may feel challenging, but will lead to healthier, happier relationships as you open up to others from a place of honesty and trust. Managing anger and the emotions beneath it is a skill that takes work but will serve you well for life.


Expressing anger in a healthy way can actually be good for you. Research shows that bottling up anger can be damaging to both your physical and mental health.

While anger is often viewed as a "negative" emotion, when expressed properly it has benefits. A little anger from time to time is normal and human. The key is using your anger wisely, to build better health, stronger relationships, and a more just world for all.

Address the underlying issues

Anger is usually a symptom of other unmet needs or frustrations. Look for the underlying cause of your anger and work to resolve it. Maybe you feel disrespected or unheard, or there are communication issues with a friend or colleague. Have an open, honest conversation where you listen to their perspective as well, then discuss compromises and solutions. This approach can lead to breakthroughs and help transform relationships.

Practice deep breathing

When you feel anger rising, take some deep breaths to help stay calm and in control of your reactions. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, making your exhalations longer than your inhalations. This activates your body's relaxation response and lowers your heart rate and blood pressure. As your body calms down, your anger will subside and you'll gain perspective.

Adaptive Anger Expression Reduces Health Risks

Suppressing anger has been linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. On the other hand, finding appropriate ways to express anger, such as through exercise or journaling, can help lower these health risks.

  • Exercise is a great release for angry feelings. Go for a walk or jog, do some yoga, hit a punching bag. Physical activity helps burn off the adrenaline and energy from anger.

  • Writing in a journal is a constructive way to express angry emotions. Get your feelings out on paper, then revisit what you wrote with a calmer mind. This can help you gain perspective and find solutions.

Anger Expression Enhances Relationships

  • Communicating anger respectfully can clear the air and bring people closer together. Talk about how certain actions made you feel and listen with an open mind. Compromise and understanding can follow.

  • Anger expressed appropriately, through "I" statements and without accusation, fosters honesty and intimacy in relationships. It shows you trust the other person enough to share vulnerable emotions.

  • Counselling helps people develop skills for communicating anger in healthy ways. Learning to express anger constructively can transform relationships.


Anger is often seen as a destructive emotion, but when managed properly, it can actually be useful. Here are some tips for harnessing your anger in a healthy way:

Take a timeout

When you feel angry, take a break from the situation. Do some deep breathing, go for a walk, or do light exercise like yoga. Removing yourself allows you to gain a more balanced perspective and avoid escalating the anger.

Challenge angry thoughts

Identify angry thoughts, like exaggerating the situation or making negative generalizations, and replace them with more constructive ones. Ask yourself questions to gain a more balanced view of the situation. This can help reduce feelings of anger.

Express your anger constructively

Once you've calmed down, have a respectful conversation with the other person. Use "I" statements, focus on one issue at a time, and suggest compromises. Stay open to listening to their perspective as well. Expressing anger in a constructive way can lead to productive solutions.

Get some exercise

Physical activity is a great outlet for angry energy and also releases feel-good hormones that can improve your mood. Even light exercise like walking or yoga can help. Exercise is a healthy way to manage anger that leaves you feeling better instead of regretful.

Practice relaxation techniques

Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness help lower anger by inducing a relaxed state. Deep, slow breathing in particular helps lower your heart rate and blood pressure, helping you feel less agitated. These techniques require practice but can be very effective for anger management.

Managing anger in a healthy way leads to better outcomes and relationships. Harnessing this powerful emotion and using its energy for good is a skill that takes effort but is worth developing. With regular practice of these tips, you can turn anger into an asset rather than a liability.

Anger is a normal human emotion that serves an important purpose. Let your anger motivate you and give you the courage to stand up for yourself and enact positive change. Your anger can be a catalyst for growth and empowerment if you listen to what it's telling you. So the next time you feel angry, don't beat yourself up over it. Accept it, understand it, and channel it into something good. Anger may feel unpleasant, but it's a gift. Use it well.


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