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How to Overcome Procrastination and Unlock Your Full Potential

The Hamster Loop of Procrastination and Tips to Stop Procrastination.


Imagine this: You have a big project to complete, a backlog of unfinished tasks, and a looming deadline. You know it's time to roll up your sleeves and start working, but instead, you find yourself organising your bookshelves by colour or clearing out your junk drawer. Before you know it, you've become an expert at putting off what has to be done, now!

Sounds relatable? This is how Procrastination works!

But, don't feel guilty; everyone has experienced procrastination. It is something that most people have dealt with, at some point in their lives. Everyone has been in the position of putting off preparing for a paper, an exercise regimen, or an upcoming home task. But it's extremely crucial to comprehend it, spot its symptoms, and figure out how to tame the procrastinating beast so it doesn't steal your time or ruin your sanity. That's what this blog post will focus on, so read on as we uncover the truth about this infamous time-theft offender.


The stealthy little monster that waits in the shadows, waiting to pounce on your productivity, is in a way similar to procrastination. It occurs when you purposefully put off or postpone chores, particularly significant ones, without good cause.

When you should be tackling your to-do list, procrastination is that charming trickster that gives you the impression that you perform better under pressure. In reality, it just wants you to binge-watch one more episode, peruse your social media feed or mull over the fundamental questions of life.

Remember, everyone is susceptible to procrastination. It doesn't matter if you're a student with a due date approaching, a working person with a tight deadline, or just someone with a mounting mountain of laundry. In the realm of delay, it is the thing that ties us all together. It can be consoling to know that this peculiarity of human nature affects us all. We're all in this together, and by realising that, we can perhaps cooperate to overcome it. In order to beat procrastination, it is very important for you to first learn about the psychology behind procrastination.

Do you find yourself Procrastinating?

  • 0%Often

  • 0%Sometimes

  • 0%Rarely


Why do we willfully put off doing things we know we should be doing?

A puzzle we've all attempted to answer, isn't it? Understanding the psychology of procrastination might help us shed some light on it. Let's explore the interesting field of procrastination psychology, where we’ll understand the inner workings of our mind and discover how to finally defeat that cunning procrastination monster.

Recognising the possible root causes of Procrastination

  1. Poor Time Management: Time is a slick thing, and if you don't control it properly, it will easily elude you. Poor time management is equivalent to, not giving your tasks the attention that they deserve. You keep adding more, but there is no plan or strategy to complete them. As a result, you either find yourself juggling a hundred various tasks at once or simply set them aside in the hopes that they will resolve themselves.

  2. Fear of Failure: Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the thought of failing an important assignment? The anxiety about failing at work, sounds like a voice inside your head asking, "What if I mess it up?". So, in order to keep your ego from suffering, you put off the task, telling yourself that you'll complete it when you're more "ready." The issue is that "ready" frequently never appears and results in procrastination.

  3. Insufficient or lack of Motivation: Motivation is that elusive companion that we all yearn for, but who never appears when we need them. Even the most fun chores might seem like a drag when you lack motivation. So you put off doing things while you wait for that enchanted energy boost. Unfortunately, motivation isn't renowned for being on time and often lack of it, results in procrastination.

The Function of the "Instant Gratification Monkey"

Imagine this small monkey in your head; it is the one that prioritises fast gratification and avoiding pain. It resembles a cheeky, sugar-fueled child who would rather binge-watch TV, browse social media, or get a snack than carry out their obligations. Procrastination frequently starts when this Monkey is in charge. It puts off important work because it seeks ‘immediate gratification’. The Instant Gratification Monkey is a natural part of us, but if we allow it to rule the show, we'll end up with a mountain of unfinished tasks and a tonne of regret.


The relationship between procrastination and mental health is similar to that of two frenemies who appear to get along but who actually hate one another. When you put off doing something, it can make you stressed out and highly anxious[1]. It's similar to having a mental to-do list that never ends, where each item nags you until it's completed. Anxiety and worry might increase if you put things off for a longer period of time.

Continued procrastination is the equivalent of telling yourself, "I can't even get simple stuff done”, which can bring a lot of guilt and can hit your self-esteem as well. You might even begin to think of yourself as being "lazy," which can create a vicious cycle. The costs or the consequences of procrastination include your happiness, your well-being, and your quality of life in addition to missed deadlines and strained relationships. Let us look at all these, one by one.

  • Effects on Academic and Professional Career - You've probably experienced those moments when you said to yourself, "I'll start that assignment later, no big deal." Procrastination can be a serious issue, particularly in academic and professional[2] contexts. Imagine that you are a professional with a work project on your plate or a student with a term paper that is due. Putting off tasks till the very last minute typically results in missed deadlines and a frantic dash to complete them. What is the result? It could be a paper that isn't polished enough or a project that isn't as stunning as it could be. Such substandard results may have long-term effects in both academia and the workplace. The undesirable consequences of procrastination can include lost opportunities for promotions or poorer grades.

  • Stressed relationships and Social effects - Let's now turn our attention to social interactions and relationships. Not only does procrastination screw with your schedules, but it can also mess with your relationships[3]. Think about having that meal with friends, that you postponed once again. Or those responsibilities to your family that you ignored because you kept putting them off. Your relationships with the people you care about can suffer as a result of these social effects. Family members and friends could feel abandoned and resentful. Missed relationships and times that matter also constitute an important component of procrastination.

  • The impact on Individual Well-Being - Your personal well-being is where procrastination really hits close to home. When you put off doing something, you build up a pile of unfinished business and bothersome obligations. You might have feelings of worry, anxiety, and a constant sense of being behind. The amount of work you have to do can increase your anxiousness. Your mental health may suffer as a result of the impending feeling of unfinished business, which can lead to more stress, lower self-esteem, and an overall sense of unease. It's similar to wearing a rucksack full of things you keep putting off, which gets heavier the longer you carry it.

So, if you're sick of these undesired consequences and are ready for a change, keep reading because we'll discuss how to break this procrastination habit.


Let us now look at some tips that will enable you to overcome procrastination. We're about to delve into a rich mine of advice to help you beat procrastination and make the most of your time, from straightforward daily routines to effective methods.

1. Cultivating Self Discipline

- Having Specific Goals: Goals are often referred to as the beacons of productivity. Setting definite, detailed goals is similar to programming a location into your mental GPS. You are more likely to stay on course if you know where you're going. It might be as straightforward as "Finish this report by 3 PM" or "Complete two chapters of that book today." Setting clear and precise goals gives you direction and prevents you from becoming lost in the procrastination desert.

- Creating and establishing productive Routines: Routines are like the comfortable, well-travelled road that takes you on the road of productivity. They give your day structure and predictability. Creating routines on a daily or weekly basis helps you become more consistent in your actions. For instance, setting out a particular period of time for work, exercise, or leisure might assist you in adhering to your obligations and lessen the urge to put things off.

2. Using the "70 Percent Rule"!

The 70 Percent Rule stresses the importance of starting work even before you have all the information necessary. Instead, you begin when you have approximately 70% of the information.

"Most decisions should probably be made with somewhere around 70% of the information you wish you had. If you wait for 90%, in most cases, you're probably being very slow," said Jeff Bezos[4], executive chairman of Amazon.

3. Applying Effective Techniques for Time Management

- Pomodoro Method: The Pomodoro Technique acts as a gentle reminder when you're about to procrastinate. It's truly quite easy. You set a timer for, let's say, 25 minutes, and throughout that period, you give your task your whole attention. Distractions are not allowed. You treat yourself to a quick break after your mini-work sprint. This method breaks down your activities into digestible, bite-sized pieces, which significantly reduces their scary nature, and suddenly, it's not as intimidating.

- Eisenhower Matrix: Consider your tasks as guests at a party. The Eisenhower Matrix helps you sort them into four categories: important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither important nor urgent. You can prioritise your chores using this matrix. You deal with the urgent, critical tasks first so that you don't be sidetracked by the less significant ones. Similar to a superpower, it increases your efficiency and helps you save the day.

4. Using the "Two-Minute Rule" to overcome procrastination

The "Two-Minute Rule" is a cunning method to overcome procrastination at the moment. It imposes to just finish a task right away if it takes less than two minutes to complete. Seriously, it's that simple. You may stop these little jobs from piling up and becoming burdensome by completing them right away. It's like clearing out a small blunder before it grows into a jumbled mass. Additionally, the sense of achievement you get from those small victories might spur you on to attack bigger projects with more vigour.

5. Make technology your friend, by using tools & apps to ‘Help You Get Things Done’!

There are several apps available today that can help you fight procrastination. These serve as your reliable allies in the battle against delays. They can gamify your productivity by blocking distracting websites, setting timers for work and breaks, and more. These tools are there to save the day, one task at a time, whether it's the traditional to-do list app or the newest ones aimed at increasing productivity.

- Tools for Tracking Time: Tools for tracking time act as your own personal productivity investigators. They assist you in identifying the areas where time is slipping away. You may schedule your day more effectively by keeping track of how long tasks actually take. You'll learn where those hours go and how to employ them more wisely.

- Extensions and methods for preventing procrastination: Think of your browser as having a guardian angel who keeps you from visiting websites that will distract you. Extensions for anti-procrastination are exactly that. They have the ability to block news websites, social media apps, and other procrastination incentives. It acts as a "Do Not Disturb" sign for your web browser, allowing you to concentrate on your current task.

6. Understanding and using the power of Self-Awareness and Mindfulness

- Using self-awareness as a tool to recognise the causes of procrastination: Let's face it; we don't just put things off for no reason. Sneaky triggers are frequently present in the background. Knowing these triggers is like knowing your opponent's strategy for battle. It's like recognising your own inclinations by gazing in the mirror. It might be anxiety, worry, or even boredom. When you recognise these triggers, you can take action to avoid them. It’s comparable to saying, "Ah-ha! Boredom, I see you! This time, you won't succeed in tricking me.”. Being self-aware allows you to be aware of your procrastination triggers as well as your strengths and shortcomings. You can better develop methods for overcoming your patterns if you are aware of them. It's like being your own life coach, directing oneself to avoid the temptation of procrastination.

- Mindfulness Methods for Remaining Focused and Present: A very effective way to overcome procrastination is mindfulness[5]. It's about remaining fully focused on the task at hand and present in the moment. Deep breathing and meditation are two methods for calming the instant gratification monkey in our minds. Being mindful makes it less likely that, when you should be working, you'll get distracted by Instagram memes and YouTube videos. It functions as your brain's own anchor, guiding you steadily through the distractions.

So, whether it's the power of mindfulness or a helping hand from technology, these tools and practices are here to support you in your effort to overcome procrastination. In this blog, we've unearthed the intricacies surrounding procrastination and looked at a set of techniques and methods to aid you in escaping its hold. Remember that while we have all experienced procrastination, such experiences do not define who we are. Although procrastination is a cunning adversary, you have the ability to outwit it.

Let's implement these ideas and approaches now! Set concrete goals, take the initial action, and maintain awareness. You have what it takes, whether it's employing time management strategies, relying on productivity applications, or just being aware of your triggers. It's time to arm yourself and regain control over your productivity and time.



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